CURSE YOU, ALEX. This song has been stuck in my head for two days straight. I drew this hoping to purge it, but ... really, why did I think that would work? My mind is a minefield of horror.
It doesn't happen often - like a lot of other people, I can be incredibly self-critical - but I am actually really, really pleased with this one. I got these flowers for Valentine's Day; seeing them makes me hope that spring is around the corner.
Seriously, it's so gloomy out. Can it please be spring now?
Lately, in the name of self-betterment (with the aid of excessive amounts of free time and also awesome friends), I have been doing a number of new things, while also devoting more attention to old things upon which I must improve. Below, you will find:
1. Gale's foray into Inking With a Brush, also to be known as Inking in a Color that Isn't Black, also to be known as Hey Is That a Background:
2. A small portion of a storyboard. Lo! A storyboard! It's been a while, so this was a great exercise. I might have to go back and do everything over, though - I recently had the opportunity to listen to Dreamworks' Steve Hickner talk about storyboards, and it was one of those experiences that was both incredible and incredibly depressing.
3. Edit: Overtime! Some guy watching the Olympics. Man, that is a rockin' pad.
Some places I've been recently! Had a surprise encounter with an SVA grad at Panera Bread (pictured just below), who gave me some very helpful advice about networking and storyboards. I have learned an important lesson about the benefits of taking my sketchbook outside the apartment. Also pictured: the laundromat (orly?) and poker night. Why am I not playing, you might ask? Well, I lost pretty early on. I have a terrible puh-puh-puh-poker face.
Also, a bonus look at a piece I'm working on! He is part of a set, and I'm having way too much fun with it.
Comics for every hour I was awake on February first. While these might not be as interesting as last year's (which involved the Superbowl and homework, gasp!), they are distinctly more legible!