Action analysis homework: "A character attempts to fly." I kind of rushed through it, but I'm still happy with the results. I feel like my ideas are getting a bit more solid each time I do this. Wooo!
It's so nice to have a watercolor-friendly sketchbook again. And scanner-friendly, too, for the most part! I'm so easily pleased. It's ridiculous.
To kick things off: we have my sister (unusually large here - while she is tall, she is no behemoth), mother, and two random subway people.

Sketchbook bits, and also something you might recognize from a few posts back. I'm experimenting with colors and finding them unusual. For some reason, the kid reminds me of Michael Cera.

Taking the occasional break from homework. I thought I'd try a non-cartoony me for a change.
Just in case it seems out of character, I will let you in on a secret: that there is a Pikachu shirt hiding under the sweater. CHUUUUUU
Inspiration from within!