I don't plan to make a habit of posting fanart here (I have my deviantART account, after all), but thought I'd talk a bit about these two. I did the one on the left today, taking a few hours to redraw and color a sketch I did at work (ahaha!) a few days ago; the one on the right was done over a few days in May of last year.
I'm still uncomfortable drawing some areas of the body - Jou's and Yuugi's shoulders, for example - but I've definitely improved at recognizing my own mistakes. I don't think I'd be able to draw heads of such ridiculous misproportion now without noticing. (Unless I have again. Hmm.)
Clearly, I need to continue (and redouble, even) my efforts with hands and backgrounds (was pretty lazy on both counts). Also, Yuug's arms are a bit twiggy.
I've always tried to experiment with lighting. You can see it in last year's, with the window shades at the bottom of the image (my favorite part), but I think I've moved in a more dramatic direction. My shadows this year are slightly more extreme! Huzzah!
Overall, though, I'm pretty happy. Try, try, and try again.

After reading some handy articles, I decided to go off in search of the elusive waterbrush. Today, I found some of the Niji variety. "I know I have watercolor pencils at home," I said to myself, "but I cannot wait. I must try these magical brushes now." So I also bought a small number of watercolor pencils.
I ... I don't know how I've managed this long without a waterbrush. I feel like I can go anywhere, do anything. I am no longer limited by my inability to balance water-filled cups, brushes, and sketchbook at the same time. This is an exciting development, guys.
Drawn on the job, haha.
20 min. Too large to scan. :(
We ended up having spare time after reviewing everyone's projects, which I hadn't been expecting. This begins my conscious effort to post more than once a week (since I'm drawing all the time for classes anyway), and to occasionally include relevant/clever/charming bits of text in said posts.

Our final assignment for Life Drawing: create a creature. I haven't used watercolors lately, so this was a fun exercise. I'm glad it's done, though ... I'll sleep well tonight.